Our Story!
(Introduce yourself and tell your campaign's story. Make sure to cover the who, what, where, when and how of your campaign.) The Native Center for Support to Abandoned Children and Orphans (CIANAH) is an NGO without lucre ends, founded by José Yaun Petsa, with the purpose of supporting indigenous Awajun and Wampis orphans and abandoned children, within the Yutupis community and its surroundings. The Center provides them health, education, food and clothing. It is managed by purely indigenous personnel, which works ad honorem so far. They have the motto "Serving the most needy". In 2010, for the first time in history, the Yutupis community was victim of a hurricane, which destroyed two CIANAH houses. The houses left are deteriorated, due to the rustic material with which they are built. Given these facts, the need to build a new refuge arises, together with the relocation of the Center to a more suitable location, where a construction can be made with noble materials. In this way the project will contribute to a sustainable projection of the Center, its potential growth, the avoidance of conflicts with local authorities, and a quieter and cleaner environment for the children. The new refuge will be able to shelter 15 indigenous kids, and includes management office, warehouse, dining room, study room, bedroom, auditorium, bathrooms, and laundry. The bases, walls and columns have already been constructed, during 2011, thanks to donations made by US foreign visitors and the NGO "Vida de la Tierra". We still need to raise funds to complete the construction in its essential elements (floor and ceiling) and finishing details (cement floors, doors and windows, paint, furniture, etc). Help us finish the construction! Your Impact! (What is the impact your campaign may have on others? What if your campaign doesn't happen, what are the consequences? Make it real for people.) There are a lot of orphans and abandoned children in the Yutupis community, as a consequence of a complex social phenomenon: premature motherhood of young women, with high rate of mortality and suicide. Thus, their kids lack family containment, as well as basic services such as health, education, food and clothing. On the other hand, nowadays the Awajun and Wampis people have lost their sense of community and of responsible parenthood, falling into a strong social crisis. Young people prefer modern lifestyle, priorizing formalized education and consumption necessities, without giving the adequate importance to family life and parenting. This way, both parents in teenage marriages tend to abandon their children. Due to usual events of these kind within the community, the CIANAH Center started planning and organizing its activities, in order to movilize local solidarity. Afterwards, it constructed a refuge to shelter the orphans and abandoned kids, and help them develop in a healthy environment. With the construction of the new refuge you are helping us to provide these kids the basic needs; you contribute to their healthy and happy childhood and adolescence; you plant seeds of faith, hope and confidence in their hearts and their future; you strengthen them to be good and responsible people in life. Help them! What We Need & What You Get (Break it down for folks - how much money do you need and where is it going? Be transparent and specific and be sure to address where the money goes if you don't reach your entire goal. For example, do you have other funding sources? Does part of the campaign still happen? Ensure people they are not just buying you dinner. Use this area to tell people about your unique perks, too!) Thanks to a second contribution of the NGO "Terre de Vie" of 6,500 dollars we can was achieved complete the first phase of the project was the construction of the basic part of the construction. To begin the final step to complete the project we need U.S. $ 30,000.00 which covers the cost of labor, roofing and wood floor and ceiling of the second floor. Other Ways You Can Help (Unleash the DIWO! -- 'Do It With Others' by asking folks to get the word out and make some noise about your campaign. Don't forget to remind them about the share tools!) |